training local leaders from Rushaki sector on trauma and psychosocial support and how to provide basic support through active listening
Participants during role play on Individual counseling during training for Community psychosocial workers in gicumbi district
Relaxation exercise during Training CPWs in active listening
After clinical supervision for CPWs in Gicumbi district
Relaxation exercises during training of CPWs
Standing in blue shirt , ARCT-Ruhuka with Trained mentor at GS NYABUBARE in Karongi District : Field visit on 11/10 /2017
Girls Clubs during voluntary saving and lending exercise
The Mentors trained by ARCT-RUHUKA during awareness raising on unwanted pregnant and prevention at Gs kiyonza (9YBE
Cerebrating international Peace day , at Rushaki sector of Gicumbi district of northern province , 2017
ARCT – Ruhuka with Rushaki sector authorities and residents during Walk for Peace , during International Peace day in Gicumbi district , 2017
ARCT – Ruhuka team and CPWs after the field visit (in both sectors, CPWs have received books which will help them refresh their knowledge)
One of our School project “Better Environment for Education (BEE)” Girls’ clubs at GS MUGEGA discussing different issues ; Field visit on 21st September 2017
An awareness raising prevention of family conflicts after march for peace in Rushaki sector Cerebrating International peace day
Community Psychosocial workers during 16 days campaigns aganst GBV for women and girls
National Conference Organised by ARCT-Ruhuka in partnership with Rwanda Psychological Society with the Theme: Psychology For Sustainable Development Held at the Nobleza Hotel, NOVEMBER 15th-17th, 2017
Above: Opening remarks by Hans Bretschneider, GIZ/ZFD Coordinator , Rwanda , 2017